
01271 445132

9.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday

In-Home Befriending

An Age Concern volunteer provides a weekly visit. Visits usually last an hour during which time people enjoy a chat and a cup of tea, look at old photographs and play games. A £5 visit fee is charged.

Recipients of pension credit receive a 50% discount.

Telephone Befriending

An Age Concern volunteer provides a weekly befriending telephone call. This call provides conversation and companionship and checks to make sure all is well.

Telephone Befriending is free of charge.


North Devon Help Desk and Benefits Service

Community Transport

Shopping Service

Community Activities


Carer Support

Housekeeping Service

Wheelchair/Scooter Hire

If you can volunteer a little time to support someone in your community, we would love to hear from you.