In-Home Befriending
An Age Concern volunteer provides a weekly visit. Visits usually last an hour during which time people enjoy a chat and a cup of tea, look at old photographs and play games. A £5 visit fee is charged.
Recipients of pension credit receive a 50% discount.
Telephone Befriending
An Age Concern volunteer provides a weekly befriending telephone call. This call provides conversation and companionship and checks to make sure all is well.
Telephone Befriending is free of charge.
(9.30am – 3.30pm weekdays)
116-118 Boutport Street,
Barnstaple EX31 1TD
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Registered in England and Wales Charity Number: 1201835
©2025 Age Concern Barnstaple & North Devon | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Registered in England and Wales Charity Number: 1201835
©2024 Age Concern Barnstaple & North Devon Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy