An Age Concern volunteer provides a weekly befriending visit to the cared-for allowing the carer to take a much-needed break. Visits usually last 2-3 hours during which time people enjoy a cup of tea and a chat, look at old photographs and play games.
In addition to befriending the cared-for the volunteer also provides support to the carer, just being heard can make a big difference to how carers feel.
A £5 per hour visit fee is charged. Recipients of pension credit receive a 50% discount.
Carers can also benefit from respite breaks when the person they care for attends Age Concern Community Activities.
Carer training, such as Dementia Awareness and First Aid, and peer support opportunities are also available.
(9.30am – 3.30pm weekdays)
116-118 Boutport Street,
Barnstaple EX31 1TD
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Registered in England and Wales Charity Number: 1201835
©2025 Age Concern Barnstaple & North Devon | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
A Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Registered in England and Wales Charity Number: 1201835
©2024 Age Concern Barnstaple & North Devon Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy